and don’t forget to subscribe to support his work!Disassemblyhe showcases the unique Nokia 9210 Communicatorit was the best option available before LED technology became common. Enjoy Janus’s calming approach to exploring vintage tech in this videoJanus CycleJanus Cycle has published another fantastic video of an old Nokia device being restored. This timeJanus disassembled the deviceNokiaNokia 9210 CommunicatorPhonesrevealing Nokia’s use of a fluorescent tube to illuminate the super-sharp screen. While this wasn’t the most power-efficient choiceTechUncategorizedwhich wasn’t functioning correctly. Naturally
नोकिया 9210 कम्युनिकेटर ने डिस्प्ले बैकलाइट के लिए एक फ्लोरोसेंट ट्यूब का उपयोग किया नोकियामोब